Technique of how to tell

March 16, 2018

Does anyone have trouble that you are not able to communicate well due to too straight expression?

Today, I will introduce a book to such people. It is [伝え方が9割] (つたえかたが9わり、Important things occupying 90% in the way to communicate).

I had the opportunity to listen to the lecture of Mr. Sasaki, the author of the book, and it was interesting, so I would like to introduce this book today.


Mr. Sasaki is also a copywriter and CM planner, and as a result of pursuing a good way of communicating, he insists on the following two things.

  • You can change scenes that are refused as “no” to “yes” if the way to tell is good!
  • If that can be done, life will surely change!


For example, if there is a person who wants to date, how do you invite?

He says there are three steps to change “no” to “yes”.

【1】 Do not use words in your head as it is.

【2】 Imagine the inside of the opponent’s head.

【3】 Make a wish consistent with the merit of the opponent.


According to this steps, not to say straight like “I want to data with you”. imagine what the other person likes (eg : He / She likes Italian food), “There is a restaurant that offers amazingly delicious pasta. Why don’t we go together?” Both have the same goal of inviting to “date”, but how to tell is quite different, right?


He asserts, “How to tell is not sense, it’s technique!”

It is not easy to learn the sense, but anyone should be able to master the technique if they study. If you are interested, why not try reading it?

For beginner level to intermediate level people, we also recommend the manga version.

I’d like to introduce you to funny non-Japanese celebrities living and working in Japan.

【Atsugiri Jason】

Jason became famous for his phrase “Why Japanese People!” to lament the difficulty of the Japanese language.

He wanted to be a comedian in Japan, but they don’t give out visas for that, so he came to Japan and joined an IT company that was expanding in Japan. Later, he attended an entertainer training school, and has continued both jobs until the present time.



This comedian works as a team with a Japanese comedian. He not only appears on comedy shows, he also does other work as the moderator of an English education program and a commentator. He is actually a prodigy and graduate of Harvard.



【Chad Mullane】

Chad dreamed of becoming a comedian. When he came to Japan to study abroad he felt Japanese comedy is the best in the world. After graduating from high school, he entered entertainer training school. Now, in addition to working as a comedian, he also works as a translator, translating many Japanese comedy movies.


I have three reasons for telling you about these people.

First, they are all are very good at Japanese.

Second, just like Jason Atsugiri, you can come to Japan and work at a job for which a visa is relatively easy to get, and then find work in the kind of job you really want.

Third, Pak-kun and Chad get many offers to do work other than being comedians. In other words, it’s important to have a career plan once you arrive in Japan.


During my grade school days in Japan, there was an extracurricular activity, called a “social studies field trip”, where I got to visit a local factory.

In recent years, more and more companies are actively accepting factory tours in order to create corporate fans, and field trips for adults are very popular. Such tours can easily be enjoyed, because they usually are free or cost only a few hundred yen.


I have primarily selected spots close to Tokyo.

Note that in some cases you must apply in advance, or there may be age restrictions or limits on the number of people in a group. Check with each site for details. Most websites are in Japanese only, but try to do the best you can.



Beer tastes significantly different depending on the country. Japanese beer is relatively easy to get used to for people from overseas.

Almost all beer factories allow beer tasting, so I recommend these tours for beer lovers.


KIRIN(Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture) 


ASAHI(Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa Prefecture)


SUNTORY(Fuchuu City, Tokyo)


SAPPORO(Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture)


Japanese Sake

For Japanese sake, there is a huge warehouse called a sakagura (酒蔵) that you can tour.


SAWANOI (Oume City, Tokyo)


KOYAMASHUZO (Kita Ward, Tokyo)


ISHIKAWASHUZO(Fussa City, Tokyo)



Soy Souce

You can also see how soy sauce, an integral part of Japanese cuisine, is made.


Yugeta Soy Sauce (Hidaka City, Saitama Prefecture)


Kikkoman Soy Sauce (Noda City, Chiba Prefecture) site)



Automobiles and Motorcycles

You can see the history of Japanese cars and motorcycles, and famous cars from the past. These tours should be irresistible to car and motorcycle enthusiasts.


TOYOTA(Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture)


NISSAN (Several plant tours exist)


HONDA (Several plant tours exist)


MAZDA (Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture)


SUBARU (Oota City, Gunma Prefecture)


SUZUKI(Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture)


KAWASAKI (Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture) tours)(English site) City, Hyogo Prefecture)

(Kawasaki limits tours to motorcycle clubs only)


YAMAHA(Iwata City, Shizuoka Prefecture)



The airplane hangars are incredibly impressive.


JAL (Oota Ward, Tokyo)


ANA (Oota Ward, Tokyo)



You can even buy gifts and souvenirs. There’s even a place that offers all-you-can-eat ice cream for free!


glico (Kitamoto City, Saitama Prefecture)



(Hokkaido, Tochigi Prefecture, Hiroshima Prefecture)


AKAGI (Honjoo City, Saitama Prefecture)

*This is the manufacturer of the popular Garigari Kun ice cream in Japan.


chateraise (Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture)


unagipai(Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture)


shiroikoibito(Sapporo City, Hokkaido)

(English site)


royce (Chitose City, Hokkaido) site)





(Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture) site)

You can make your own original cup ramen, including drawing a picture on the container and choosing the ingredients.


Yamato (Oota Ward, Tokyo)

You can tour the latest facilities of a Japanese distribution company that delivers luggage quickly and accurately.

Railway-Museum (Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture) site)

This is a museum, so it is a little bit different from a social studies field trip, but it is a very popular spot for those who like trains.


The column “Why isn’t LinkedIn used in Japan” is very popular.

・The company will think that you’re trying to change jobs if you register with LinkedIn. (In Japan, many people still assume lifetime employment.)

・Japanese people do not like to publicize their personal achievements and work experience. (Many people do not think in terms of their own achievements, but in terms of the achievements of their company or team.)

・In Japan, building personal relationships come first and this then leads to business opportunities. This is why people prefer Facebook.

・The following reason was also given: “Japanese people do not tend to draw a clear line between public and private matters. So they can talk about both their private lives and work on Facebook.” However, I think it’s more than just that.

The problem is the people who seek to employ workers.

Human resource departments, staffing agencies and corporate hiring managers also use LinkedIn, but except for large corporations, many hiring managers in Japan are also responsible for labor management, general affairs and administration, so they avoid direct recruiting because it’s a lot of extra work.

Not only that, there’s no real reason to put much effort into using LinkedIn, because even if hiring costs could be lowered by using it, companies don’t value it very much and it wouldn’t have much impact on salaries anyway.


You may already know that “it is better for you to take lesson with preparation.”


But, there are not so many people who are always preparing well.

I think this is a very wasteful thing.

Because it is not a school nor a lecturer but a learner who lose by not preparing.

Not only time but also money.


Let’s think about what each lesson will be in the following three patterns.

(1) With complete preparation

(2) With little preparation

(3) Without preparing at all


(1) With complete preparation

In the lesson, the lecturer will explain only “what students have prepared but did not understand”. And the lecturer uses all the remaining time for exercises with high learning effect such as applied practice and role play. In addition, lecturers can explain things not written in textbooks, and can also customize exercises according to the environment and preferences of learners.


(2) With little preparation

In the lesson, the lecturer can explain what is written in the textbook and can use a little time for practicing high learning effect such as applied practice or role play.


(3) Without preparing at all

In the lesson, the lecturer must explain each vocabulary and grammar one by one and must use all the time for them. They cannot teach whole contents what they planned and they have to resume from the middle in the next lesson.



I will quantify and describe the above three patterns so that you can imagine. (*These figures are hypothetical, as it is aimed at simplifying the story, there is a possibility that it is not accurate.)


In each of the above cases, we assume the amount that you can learn in one lesson as follows.

(1) 150

(2) 80

(3) 40


And assuming that the total amount you have to learn in order to finish a course is 2000, the number of lessons required for each case is as follows. (In case a lesson progresses according to learners’ proficiency level)

(1)13.3 lessons

(2)25 lessons

(3)50 lessons


And assuming that one lesson is 10 US dollars, the necessary cost to complete the course is as follows.

(1) $ 133

(2) $ 250

(3) $ 500


In other words,

The person of (2) has to pay 1.875 times the tuition fee of (1).

The person of (3) has to pay twice the tuition fee of (2).

The person of (3) has to pay 3.75 times the tuition fee of (1).


Everyone wants to save both time and money, right? That’s why I recommend preparing well. Moreover, those who prepare well can do applied practice and customized exercises, which has the effect of making the lesson fun.


Which would you prefer, “Cost-effective good and fun lesson” or “Cost performance bad and boring lesson”?



I want to tell you about Japanese television programs for business people working in Japan.


<Business News Programs>


  • モーニングサテライト (Morning Satellite)

TV Tokyo, Monday-Friday, 5:45 – 6:40


This program covers economic news every morning.

The program primarily covers what happened in the American market during the night in Japan, and what’s happening in the Japanese market.


  • 日経マーケットアイ (Nikkei Market Eye)

TV Tokyo, Monday-Friday, 6:40 – 7:00


This program mainly focuses on experts discussing issues not covered in Morning Satellite.


  • ワールドビジネスサテライト (World Business Satellite)

TV Tokyo, Monday-Friday, 23:00 – 23:58


This program is probably watched by more business people in Japan than any other program. It covers a broad range of topics from market information, to new product information, and includes special features.

(By the way, J-OS was discussed on this program.)

<Documentary Programs>


  • プロフェッショナル仕事の流儀 (Professional Work Fashion)

NHK, Monday, 22:25 – 23:14


This show focuses on the life of one business professional every week, including the person’s troubles, setbacks, and thoughts. The program is popular with people who sympathize with the lives of business owners and workers.


  • 未来世紀ジパング (Future Century Japan)

TV Tokyo, Monday, 22:00 – 22:54


This show discusses topics such as how Japan is viewed overseas, overseas markets that will grow in the future, and ventures in Japan trying to succeed overseas.


  • ガイアの夜明け (Gaia Daybreak)

TV Tokyo, Friday, 22:00 – 22:54


This program covers companies and people taking on challenges.

The industry and topic being covered changes each week, but many people watch it.


  • カンブリア宮殿 (Cambria Palace)

TV Tokyo, Thursday, 22:00 – 22:54


This program was created by Japanese novelist Ryo Murakami. It welcomes business owners, politicians and other?? important people as guests, and talks about their activities, achievements, failures, how to succeed and other topics in an interview format.


  • がっちりマンデー!! (Gatchiri Monday!!)

TBS, Monday, 7:30 – 8:00


This program covers one topic each week from a financial and economic perspective.

Often discussing familiar companies and products, the format is easy to understand and the program is popular among people of many ages.

These programs are also good for listening practice, so check them out.



Those who would like to work in Japan will probably want to know more about the salaries and wages in Japan for various jobs. In this article, we will introduce several useful methods to find out the average annual income of Japanese companies.


(1) Yahoo Finance

This is the most simple and convenient method. Open Yahoo Finance (, search by company name, and then click on “Enterprise Information”, many latest information and data such as number of employees, average age and average annual income will be listed. (Only companies that are listed on the stock are eligible.)

(2) Securities Reports

In addition to the basic information such as number of employees, average age and average annual income are listed in a securities report, average length of service of employees is also available. It is highly recommended if you would like to know more about the average length of service.


You can check the company’s securities report at EDINET (Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ NETwork, of the Financial Services Agency. The website is also available in English. Press “Document Search”, enter the company name and select “Annual Securities Report/ Semiannual Securities Report/ Quarterly Securities Report”. “Data of Employees” is fully described in that.

You should pay attention that if the company is newly established, the average length of service of employees will be very short.



(3) Japan Company Handbook

If you want to know more update information about the company, especially recommend “Japan Company Handbook”. This book publishes detailed corporate information such as average annual income, overtime pay, number of days taken off with pay, pay at age 30, and more. Original data such as turnover rate of new graduate after 3-year employment is also calculated.


More detailed information of small and medium-sized enterprises “Excellent SMEs and the Services Industry” is also recommended.



(4) Reviews

The above are public data provided by the companies. I do believe you are also interested in employee comments. The most straightforward way to do this is to ask for advices from those who work in the same industry or who are now working in the company you would like to join. If you do not know any relevant persons, you can take advantage of the SNS, or utilize recruitment companies to seek more specific information about the working conditions.

Do you know, recently there is a company that is feared by many Japanese executives, saying “it is the end if that company enters to our industry?”

The company is called DMM, which has over 40 business lines in 15 countries as of March 2017, including online video business, DVD/CD rental business, game business, online English conversational school, online securities, solar power generation and MVNO business etc.

Although DMM may not be so well-known in foreign countries, we would like to introduce this Japanese company to you in this article.


It is a well-known fact that DMM is a company that has grown in the adult video business originally.

Let’s take a quick look at the company’s history. (A partial excerpt from Wikipedia)


Late 80s – Mr. Kameyama, now the president, opened a rental video shop

1998 – Started AV distribution site “DMM”

2003 – Entered the online DVD rental business

2006 – Launched TV commercials

2009 – Acquired a securities company and entered the FX business

2012 – Entered the solar power generation business

2013 – Started the online English conversational school

2014 – Started DMM mobile (MVNO)

2016 – Launched DMM. Africa.

2017 – Started DMM Academy (Two-year private school)



It is seen that DMM has spread its business extensively.

I think the following are the three key strengths of the company.


(1) Unlisted company

(2) Cash-rich

(3) Strategic power of Mr. Kameyama


Let’s look at this in more detail.


  1. Unlisted company


As DMM is an unlisted company, there is no need to publish the details of its business plan and the main source of revenue. DMM is ambitious aiming to the area that the company can win by analyzing various information including IR materials of other listed companies.


  1. Cash-rich

DMM has rich commercial profits in adult video business and has adopted a marketing strategy to invest liquidity in other business lines.

Especially its online English conversational school. The business began in 2013 that was later entered the industry, but DMM actively promote television advertising and offer low prices than others in the industry, contributing to its rapid growth. It is a strategy to raise prices after robbing market share.


  1. Strategic power of Mr. Kameyama

Mr. Kameyama led DMM to growth rapidly, but he seldom discloses his true face. However, he participates in many interviews and lectures, and his speech deeply impressed most of the audience. My impression on Mr. Kameyama can be concluded as one word of “Strategist”. As a manager, I also take off my hat to his strategic strength. He is thoroughly committed to only fight to win.


Business News Applications (NewsPicks) contains many conversations of Mr. Kameyama with other investors and celebrities, it is worth reading. It is easy to read as the contents are in a dialogue format, it would be useful for studying Japanese reading comprehension, studying strategy, and collecting information on related business.


Japanese general trading companies were said to be handling various business lines “from ramen to rocket”, because they have developed a wide variety of business all over the world. And now, various business lines of DMM, from adult video to education, have been growth steadily.


Today I will introduce a Japanese company that has a unique business model.

Do you know a company named RIZAP?


Rizap is a company that mainly manages a training gym.

If you are watching Japanese TV, you may remember it with its impressive CM.


The characteristics of RIZAP’s business are:

(1) 30 days Full repayment guarantee system

For any reason for 30 days from the start of the program, if you can not convince your achievement, they will refund you in full.

(2) High price


With the same features, RIZAP also operates golf schools and English conversation schools.

In RIZAP, the unit cost per lesson (50 minutes) is about 20,000 yen(*).

Golf lessons and English conversation lessons are roughly the same unit price. It is expensive, isn’t it?

(*)In the case of Body Make Standard Course 24 times, including membership fee


However, I think that this price setting was calculated precisely.

Because RIZAP can collect only serious people who want to take lessons even at high cost.

Also, those who can pay high cost, that is, people who can afford money tend not to complain so much.


Since Japanese tend not to complain too much, it may be a business model that succeeds only in Japan.

RIZAP’s performance seems to be growing steadily. Are there any similar business models in your country?

In Japan, the way of thinking about side jobs is changing.

It became a hot topic that Softbank, Japan ‘s major telecom giant, allowed their workers to do side jobs since November 2017.



■ Why did this movement happen?

There are five main reasons.

  • As a Japanese employment system, seniority and lifetime employment are famous, but this system is changing.
  • Anxiety about pension.
  • Pursuit of diverse lifestyle
  • With the spread of nets and tools, it became easier to have side jobs.

・Because it is a shortage of talented people, it also has the aim of recruiting and holding excellent talent by allowing various ways of working.


■ Main side jobs being done in Japan

  • Asset management (eg real estate management)
  • Utilization of idle assets (eg Airbnb, Anyca) in the sharing economy * UBER is not operating in Japan.
  • Second-hand goods sale (example: Amazon Marketplace, Ebay, Mercari, Yahoo auction)
  • Internet Talent business, Internet Advertisement business (eg YouTuber, blogger)
  • Utilize skills and qualifications (eg translation, interpreting, weekend soccer referee, rafting guide)


■ Side jobs unique to Non-Japanese people

There are an increasing number of Japanese people who start business for overseas / foreigners around me. So, in addition to translation, interpreting, demand for overseas market research etc seems to grow further. Language teachers will be needed more.



Your knowledge and skills are required more and more, but we strongly recommend that you check your employment rules and laws.

There are still many companies banning side jobs under the employment regulations. Please pay attention to VISA, too. If you earn income for operations other than what is stipulated in VISA, it will be regarded as “unauthorized activity” and become illegal here in Japan.


There is no doubt that opportunities are increasing, so follow the rules and get your success.



Social Media