Yes, there is. And there’s a recommended way to collect only sentences relevant to your business, and automatically!
It’s a bit old fashioned, but my recommendation is GOOGLE ALERT!

You can register keywords of interest and it will deliver them to you by e-mail when news related to them is released. For example, if you are an M&A advisor, you can register “上場(IPO) “”資金調達(fundraising) “”業務提携(business alliance) “, etc. If you support Japanese companies entering the U.S. market, you can register “アメリカ進出(U.S. market entry)” and so on.

I always recommend that businesspersons learn Japanese by using tools that are useful for their work, and this approach may lead to great business opportunities.

It is important to be able to set up the best keywords for each of your business and interests. If you are not sure, please message me individually and I will come up with the best keywords for you.

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